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也:Josh Sens讚揚夜貓子的“安靜的信心,”皮特凱恩碳水化合物負載Tartine工廠和盧克蔡發現辣椒的選擇在聖萊安德羅。



本周的大檢查,鮑爾重經濟快速偶然的新趨勢Barzotto,廚師米歇爾Minori每天製造五個不同的房子是麵食。而菜單將季節性變化,鮑爾的選擇範圍從經典cacio e佩佩cresta di gallo“更有創意”。不幸的是,對於一個計費本身作為一個“美國意大利麵吧,”鮑爾認為廚房可以使用更關心他在烹飪意大利麵和bucatini有點無力。



舊金山雜誌Josh Sens是考慮到(加引號)品嚐菜單的“暴政”金在改變的夜貓子,這有點不合時宜的在這個新世界的快速休閑(見上圖)。雖然我們評論家認為品嚐菜單可以自負和“驅使的,”他對改變隻有讚美,誰是“天後或暴君相去甚遠。”Alter’s cooking has a "quiet confidence," Sens says and Nightbird "doesn’t puff its chest and pose as a magnet for trophy hunters," which only adds to its appeal.

例子:娛樂鑽孔的鵪鶉蛋裏黑黃油荷蘭“想起世界上最精致的洋蔥浸,“tomato-and-oyster沙拉是“夏天的花園聚會,海邊舉行。”While he was similarly excited by the "variations of corn" dish that’s already becoming something of a signature for the restaurant, Sens felt it could use a little chili heat to punch up all the sweetness. The only misstep was the "unexciting" butter-poached lobster that "seemed too easy." With smart and restrained decor, plus the moody art deco back bar in the Linden Room, Nightbird is a三星級Sens的目的地。


每周,皮特凱恩“約五、六”去了Tartine工廠大教堂的碳水化合物糕點中,隻發現了一個失望的(這是一個芝麻菜榛子丹麥)。三明治的選擇,我們的批評似乎享受烤香菇raclette,以及almost-too-salty Cubano,但是綠黨proscuitto,梨和佩科裏諾幹酪三明治是不幸的是“枯萎和毫無生氣。”

另一方麵,“對待比比皆是”菜單的甜味,凱恩和列日華夫格是一個必須命令說“幾乎thin-candy-shell-like地殼。”Likewise on the drinks menu: the smoked pepper chelada was "challenging and more juice-like" than you’d expect, but ultimately thirst-quenching, and the Turmeric ginger kefir on tap just boggles his mind. As for the pristine interior, Kane feels that it’s a little "too clean, like it’s just been stage for a catalog shoot." Sandwich bummers aside, it’s a mostly positive review from Kane, especially when you add in the newly opened Cookies and Cream which you should know gets its milk from Petaluma water buffalo.

Cinco TacoBar

在東灣,路加福音蔡頭一個聖萊安德羅購物中心找到告訴埃爾南德斯Cinco TacoBar,“像一個辣椒,但食物是好。”Unlike Chipotle, Cinco makes their tortillas to order and Tsai says that alone is worth the trip to San Leandro. Topping those tortillas, Tsai says the al pastor was the best meat option with an "intense savoriness" but the carne molida was an "unexpected wild card." While the carnitas was a "mild disappointment" the restaurant’s housemade, habañero-based Cinco sauce should blow away every other Chipotle analogue.

蔡也好評的墨西哥玉米煎餅,他說“從今以後應該包含在任何的顯著的東灣範本的風格。”And the fish taco was one of the best he’s had in the Bay area as well. Rounding out his recommendations are an "especially decadent" version of Papa Loca with waffle fries. Overall, it’s high praise for a strip mall taco bar.




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