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嗯,很快變得明顯邁克爾。鮑爾不是迷戀通過千禧年素食餐廳,最近從舊金山搬到奧克蘭的Rockridge附近。鮑爾被燒後燃燒,主要是關於亂七八糟的味道:“廚房繼續,就像在原來的網站,在原料堆像毛毯在春天的花。”He called the Brik Purse "ham-fisted," said that "balance took a backseat to boldness" in the lemongrass coconut curry and that the "flavors fought each other" in the shaved cucumber salad. There were some winners, like the "finely executed" fried squash blossoms and blackberry lattice-crusted pie. But it all took a backseat to the generally overworked food, "lacking" service and "mixed" desserts.1.5星。[時間]

鮑爾也扔回去咖啡館傑奎琳本周,開業於1979年和100年被煽動定做的意麵給一個晚上。老板傑奎琳·馬古利斯一直在廚房裏幾乎每天都從那時起,craftswomanship顯示,鮑爾說。“真正的藝術創造一個蛋奶酥,”他寫道,“和馬古利斯將它帶到了一個新的高度。”He specifically called out the white corn with ginger and garlic lemon souffles as his favorites in the "romantic" restaurant that forces diners to "slow down, enjoy the company and, more importantly, anticipate what's to come."2.5星。[時間]

當你有一個渴望一個芝士漢堡麥當勞之後在一家素食餐廳吃一頓飯,這可能不是一件好事。這是安娜羅斯回顧兒童素食快餐店艾米的汽車餐廳結束了。公平地說,一個巨無霸融入她的便宜吃列,但它是安全的說不是艾米的廚房已經為其客戶。事實上,羅斯說,主人瑞秋和安迪·柏林希望艾米的驅動器通過“成為一個全國連鎖的可持續,有機食品,素食者和非轉基因快餐店”。But according to Roth, "they aren't quite there yet." The veggie burger, while having "fine smoky flavor and spongy texture," "just didn't satisfy in the same way" as a real burger does. The rest of the dishes — burritos, pizza, mac and cheese — "offer better variations on the company's frozen staples," but the vegan versions of them "really began to fall off." And so did the review, as after her Big Mac, Roth felt "the way I do after smoking a cigarette or binging on Cheetos: guilty, unsatisfied, ashamed by my own weakness."[Chron]

在東海灣,路加福音蔡走向了傑克·倫敦廣場審查陸路本周,仍以某種方式設法為他贏得了盡管食物不夠“相當有趣的值得特別訪問自己的。”That’s not the point of Overland, Tsai argued, instead that it’s "more about hospitality and having fun," of which there are plenty of ways with "country karaoke on Tuesdays, line dancing on Thursdays and Fridays, and, often, live shows on the weekends." If you have to eat, Tsai recommended the St. Louis-style cracker crust pizzas as the best thing on the menu, which turned comical when he followed that up with the asterisk that they’re only being offered for another month. Otherwise go for the "tasty" pulled pork sandwich or "dense, puck-like," yet likeable stuffed burgers. The "down-home ease" all worked for Tsai in the end "against a backdrop of self-serious Bay Area restaurants at which every last garnish is artisanally scratch-made." [East Bay Express]

被外麵的食物選擇在土地,皮特凱恩前往柴棚魚有限公司“許多方勵似乎最喜歡的食物。”Yet when he headed over to the restaurant's brick-and-mortar location, what he found was puzzling compared with its festival reputation. "It's not the world's greatest restaurant, but it's very good, the salient characteristics being generosity with the seafood and a deft handling of the deep fryer," he said. He particularly enjoyed the "killer" clam chowder, "superb" cioppino and dreamy fish tacos, though the "overcooked" sockeye salmon was "a bust." With the food mostly being a thumbs up, Kane was left "a little confused by Woodhouse's low profile," writing it should instead "be a lunch powerhouse." [SF Weekly]
