本周,邁克爾·鮑爾參觀了布倫達的肉& 3同名的新餐館,廚師布倫達Buenviaje(布倫達的法國的靈魂食物)。淹沒他懷念他的中西部老家的烹飪是在堪薩斯州,“促使一個擴展的幻想不同人口的紋身,預科生,亞洲和“ebony-skinned”顧客享受並排博洛尼亞三明治,餐館服務" long-cooked家的食物在加州北部並不受歡迎。盡管如此,“這吸引人群。”Lunch is the "sweet spot," while dinner is "a little sloppy," featuring delicious but disintegrating vegetables and "surprisingly tough" ribs. Service is solid and the staff a delight, with a "small-town friendliness [that] makes the restaurant a place you want to come back to."兩顆恒星。[時間]
鮑爾還參觀了範圍對於一個更新檢查,恰逢餐廳的十年紀念日。這也正好與老板的回歸菲爾西之後,他回到了廚房瑞秋灑水龍頭近期離職。鮑爾懷疑他會知道西回到廚房隻是品嚐他的雞肝慕斯。審查,他反複引用“知道”和“加強服務”,他發現在西方的回歸,提及,雖然餐廳去年賺了100,“食品失去了一點的複雜性來自於手中,一個真正的主人。”(In other words, he effectively managed to mask a mediocre review of the restaurant's former chef beneath a glowing tribute to West.) "Range, under West, has stood the test of time. It’s as fresh today as the day it opened."3.5星。[時間]
在東灣,路加福音蔡訪問Longbranch轎車,西方伯克利附近的酒吧和餐廳服務“高架,California-inflected酒吧食物。”It's not out to reinvent the wheel, offering "the usual pickle-making and charcuterie, roasted bone marrow, and a fancy-ish $14 cheeseburger." High points included "porky and unctuous" potted pig trotter and a great version of Wisconsin-style fried cheese curds with a dab of Fresno chili jam. The salads, too, were well-made, "thoughtful" combinations. However, the entrées fell flat, with Tsai concluding that "simple food demands better execution." Ultimately the restaurant "just needs a bit of fine-tuning," but the late-night menu and bustling atmosphere make it a welcome addition to the neighborhood. [EBX]
羅斯訪問緬甸的愛,新從背後的人任務前哨緬甸巨星。她發現有一個愉快的“upscale-ish東南亞的氣氛,”由一個菜單“從緬甸進口的巨星和它的姐妹餐廳B *明星。”Favorites like the tea-leaf salad are still present, though a few dollars more expensive, alongside homey, new dishes like duck curry and whole-fried fish. Only one new dish "didn't work at all," in the form of "spicy noodles" that were too sweet and ketchup-y to live up to their name. While it's easy to construe a more expensive, Mission version of Burma Superstar as a "sinister" indication of the tech industry's influence on the city, Roth is willing to pay the premium for a great Burmese option in the neighborhood. "It's just surprising the restaurant hasn't been there all along." [SF Weekly]
的考官亞曆克斯·哈克曼得到了混合信號在最近搬遷莫奇卡人在沿岸泥沙壟山。食物很美味,但是服務是一個“友好混亂”,從優秀的秘魯分心味道。主菜之間緩慢或不喝訂單,長時間的等待和計算機故障的蒙上了一層陰影”的許多菜肴卡洛斯Altamirano的閃閃發光的開放式廚房,是固體”。Fresh, deliciouscebiche pescado牛肉的舌頭,“欣然的燒焦的泥土,“和豬肉肩了鼴鼠的醬汁都是贏家。哈克曼建議直到服務接近食物和裝飾的水平,“小心行事。”[SF Examiner]