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菜單計劃、準備、保存的建築被燒毀,所有在一個晚上的工作廚師大衛•威爾科克斯的快速行動可能阻止一些嚴重損害軋機在廚房裏。威爾科克斯,前米爾穀Beerworks Gjelina,當時拿著“蝦小屋”彈出Divisadero麵包店聞名 4美元烤麵包時3.75美元,據情報販子,天花板著火了。“我們剛剛下令,正要打開一瓶當每個人都注意到天花板被火焰吞沒,”她寫道。“巨大的火焰完全吞沒的煙囪爐;它絕對是瘋了!”Seeing what was happening, Wilcox didn't hesitate: "Despite all the insanity of the situation, the chef jumped on the back of one of his staff members and climbed up on the top of the oven and probably saved the building," says the tipster. "I mean, I'm no expert on fire safety, but you should have seen the thing, it was truly incredible."

這棟建築是迅速撤離,消防部門處理事情。事實證明,罪魁禍首是軋機的股票貿易:麵粉組合煙道中積累,當暴露於火焰燃燒。食客的錢退還,彈出關閉過夜,但舉報人印象深刻,盡管如此,配音威爾科克斯一個“英雄廚師。”Wilcox confirmed her account, though he demurred about the "hero" part: "[It] could have been worse. Not my first kitchen fire." Nonetheless, "I have the smokey lungs to show for it. [It] was a crazy night." The Mill reopened on Saturday and business continues as usual. "Small fire in the oven flue, could have been a lot worse," owner Josey Baker告訴Hoodline。“最後,而不是一個巨大的交易,盡管一個堅實的恐慌。”

那些想要支持威爾科克斯,他失去了所有業務的晚上,應該考慮參加他的晚宴在雛雞BN牧場這周六,客人廚師卡爾Peternell,查理•哈洛韋爾Evan Funke, Samin Nosrat。進一步證明了威爾科克斯是一個公義的家夥:所有的收益都將在墨西哥颶風至理名言救災中獲益。
