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鮑爾權力小時claros公司的降臨的Madrona莊園本周,在那裏傑西Mallgren之一,“海灣地區最被低估的廚師,“是推出“一項精細餐,慷慨和一個偉大的價值”在91美元的五門課程,加上另一個68美元的葡萄酒搭配。不幸的是,服務是“風度翩翩和善意的,但不匹配的複雜的食物,”和員工的製服特別提及:“這個口徑一般的員工餐廳的衣著無可挑剔;他們穿不合身的黑色西裝,磨損的鞋子,像一個衣衫襤褸的團隊。”(Perhaps they're the Bad News Bears on their day off.) In the end, though "Madrona delivers in a Sonoma sort of way," and could even be dubbed "a poor man'sMeadowood最終判決:三顆星。[時間]

與此同時,尼古拉斯·布爾繼續東灣打去珠湖海灘俱樂部,“最好的詞來描述“菜是“好玩”。He's enamored with most of the pavs, particularly the meat versions; the vegetarian Sloppy Lil' P is "too starchy" for his taste. He's also not big on "the sulfur-y punch of black salt," which chefPreeti Mistry認為“美國人完全準備好。”But with a "hard to forget" atmosphere and servers "obviously jazzed about the food," Boer thinks Mistry has "a bright future built on her food."兩顆恒星。[時間]

安娜羅斯在跑來跑去地Divisadero的葡萄酒的廚房,她認為在建小區的一個隱喻:在每一塊摔了一跤,Geary之間,“至少有一個店麵登上了膠合板或地塊留出公寓發展。”She digs Wine Kitchen's "impressive wine selection" and "ambitious, though less impressive, small plates menu," but dubs the space "strangely soulless," with a "lack of personality that starts with the interior" and carries through to the yuppie crowd. "Gentrification is par for the course in a city like San Francisco, and there's nothing wrong with ambition when it's executed well. I just hope that it doesn't mean a neighborhood as gritty as Divisadero has to lose its roots." [SF Weekly]

Josh Sens這個月做了二次嗎,參觀查爾斯表象他的兩個新前哨南部,南在SFJAZZ硬水。南方較弱,在他看來:“打很多平指出,像一個薩克斯劣質管樂器的。”的cocktails are excellent, and bar bites are good, but the whole thing feels messed-up as a dinner concept: "Sit for a full-length dinner, and you're asking for frustration." Meanwhile, Hard Water's "terrific" cocktails, "more composed" food like sausage and Gulf flounder, and "clearer sense of identity" are all to the good, until it's time to flag down a server: even Phan himself, who unwittingly sat down next to Sens, had some trouble getting his order in.兩顆星硬質水,1.5星南。(科幻雜誌)

考官的Cynthia Salaysay還在現場嗎硬水,“高聳的神社布朗酒……這時伴隨食物。”Though there were a few standouts, like buttery oysters St. Charles and the much-lauded fried celery hearts, and the "rustic-meets-Space Age" room is a winner, Salaysay wasn't impressed by her entrees: "None of the entrees I ordered lived up to the beauty of the drinks," and to make matters worse, "dining at the bar made for some confusion." Overall, she gets "the sense that Hard Water is still figuring out its marriage of top-notch bartending and fine dining, [but she'll] surely be back to drink a few more whiskeys." [Examiner]


路加福音蔡頭條新聞的評論本的餐廳“最好的中國餐館在奧克蘭,你從來沒聽說過,“事實上,他高興的“簡單,美味,廉價的中國食品,主要是大米盤子,售價大約6塊錢。”Westernized standards rule the menu, but ingredients are fresh and "even the most Americanized dishes are cooked the way the chef himself would like to eat them." Off-menu specials like Wednesday fried chicken or curry chicken fried rice are his favorites, and it's best to go sooner rather than later: Ben's a one-man kitchen operation, and he's retiring in a couple of years. [EBX]


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