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(照片:傑裏米·布魯克斯/ Flickr]


與此同時,安娜羅斯有一種不同的意大利經驗Gaspare的的化身,“紅醬意大利聯合華而不實的榮耀。”The spot reminded Roth of "a time before I knew what it meant to be ironic," and the best dishes on the menu "are ones that taste like all the other versions of the dish you've had in the past," like the lasagna and tiramisu. "Skip the appetizers," says Roth, and save room for the "cheesy, caloric" entrees like the veal parmesan. The pizza at Gaspare's "satisfies as a delivery system for cheese, meat, and tomato sauce," and in general, the food is "exactly as good as you'd expect it to be, nothing more and nothing less." But "wine from a straw flask, kitschy surroundings, and unbelievable amounts of cheese feel like amore." [SF Weekly]

喬納森·考夫曼新Divisadero現貨拉厄巴納,他發現“一個掠奪者注意,”黑牆和“carnival-esque櫥櫃”“烤鯛魚玉米泡沫和huitlacoche泥。”Choose the "braised-to-submission" short ribs over the "oily" cactus quesadillas, and don't miss the "airy" chocolate crémeux with a mezcal gélée. "Some pleasures need no translation," and Kauffman deems La Urbanaexcelente。(品嚐表)

辛西婭Salaysay嚐試了菲律賓票價Pampanguena菜的,“肥皂劇的人造花和牆壁畫在炎熱的,奶油色的調色板”使她想起她的舊菲律賓保姆。“什麼烤好”,就像“精致、淡”虱目魚和not-too-sweet烤雞,和lumpia“好吃的奇跡。”The space is "sparse" and "lived in" but Pampanguena Cuisine is "intimate and personal," and Salaysay is a fan. [Examiner]

盧克蔡完整pozole本周的審查,在generically-named挖掘塔可燒烤”,在那裏你可以找到一些最好的墨西哥食物奧克蘭。”It's "homey enough to please purists" but "wholesome enough to satisfy Slow Food types and the health-conscious," especially with its extensive selection of soups. "In particular, the restaurant specializes in the rich, meaty, hominy-laden soup known as pozole," and Tsai loved the "incredibly rich" red pozole with pork, "packed with hominy and tender (and decently fatty) shoulder meat." Not everything satisfied to the same degree, but the "slow-braised, satisfyingly savory" carnitas and crispy tacos were another top pick. "It's trite to say a restaurant has 'something for everyone,' but as far as casual taquerias go, Taco Grill comes close." [EBX]

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