There’s something liberating, almost decadent, about takeout. Smelling the food as you drive or walk it home, the ceremonial unbagging and unboxing, the first bite of food thatyou didn’t cookthat you’re nonethelesseating at home, in your pajamas... every takeout meal is a miniature Christmas morning, a celebration, an event. When you ask someone what they did on Friday and they say, “Oh not much we just ordered takeout,” doesn’t that make you profoundly jealous? Don’t you wish you had done the same thing?
That said, with the price of everything being what it is (gesturing vaguely at the economy and all of society) the last thing you need is subpar or even merely average takeout. Here are some of the many places in Seattle that are well worth the drive or the walk. As always, these are not ranked but organized geographically.
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