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歡迎回到在評論,突出美食評論家的西雅圖的餐飲場所。城市的評論者最近訪問了L 'Oursin Gopoke,說教El豆科灌木。這就是他們不得不說:

巴拉德El豆科灌木說教,墨西哥牛排餐廳兄弟肯特的錫那羅亞說教,贏了三顆星從西雅圖時報的普羅維登斯西塞羅,他說的價格質量肉”是你支付一半花式牛排餐廳”和lightly-seasoned烤肋眼牛排”是最嫩,美味的牛排我有任何地方。”Housemade flour tortillas were also very good, while the meaty contents of a torta "were far superior to the quality of the bread, however." Other highlights include the chicken asado, bone marrow sprinkled with cotija cheese, Papa loca, a baked potato with the works, and corn flan for dessert.

中心區- - - - - -L 'Oursin繼續收集讚譽,這次是一個混合但最終的積極評論西雅圖了凱瑟琳•羅賓遜。她不如她的許多同時代的抽象印象葡萄酒描述,並找到廚師”有時會他的強度是錯誤的——與哥倫比亞城市麵包房的海藻黃油麵包,味道有點像它是一個船體刮掉,“但讚揚餐廳的“sure-handedness,”調用燉半“傑作”,和很高興一個蘋果餡餅”更令人滿意的鄉村crostata。”

國際地區- - - - - -Gopoke“另一個顯著”戳的地方開設了最近在西雅圖,說的妮可撒西雅圖周刊。空間是“鮮豔明快,”越南業主的故事”中令人信服地告訴漂亮字體的電腦發現整個商店,“服務”充滿微笑和親切,“戳碗新鮮的魚是“溫柔但堅定,“鹵水章魚是“異常愉快,”多爾鞭子浮動是“相當便宜,雖然有點憑借單調。”


歡迎回到在評論,突出美食評論家的西雅圖的餐飲場所。城市的評論者最近訪問了L 'Oursin 190日落,Zaccagni, Cycene,意思是三明治,森麵條酒吧,和Raccolto。這就是他們不得不說:

埃德蒙茲- - - - - -190年日落“最好的快樂小時Snohomish縣,在西雅圖,這也將成為最好的如果酒吧以南15英裏,”寫嗎譚Vinh《西雅圖時報》。“但是,唉,你必須去埃德蒙茲”等seafood-themed咬“時髦和辣”燒烤蝦,crabcake滑塊,和龍蝦mac和奶酪。


中心區——13大街和E傑佛遜的繁忙的角落,法國海鮮餐館L 'Oursin“悄悄升起的最新珠寶在角落裏的烹飪皇冠,”說拿俄米Tomki那個陌生人。“激光焦點的食品和飲料結合的靈感來源帶來一個成功的公式,“法國小酒館風格結合西北海鮮靈感和自然葡萄酒的選擇”,完全與簡單的口味的食物。”

中心區三個半星L 'Oursin《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅,他“很高興”在西雅圖業主最終代替布魯克林。”作為餐廳的名稱表明,菜單支持享用海鮮,雖然不排除黑石香腸等熟食店(血腸)烤蛋糕,或煮熟的雞的溫馨舒適,”她說。別忘了甜點:“速度自己精致的蘋果白蘭地酒和鮮奶油蛋糕冰淇淋和蘋果片,生和挖走;的牛奶巧克力慕斯和榛子脆feuilletine;或夾心蛋糕糖衣,活躍層lemon-thyme酥皮,檸檬冰淇淋和越橘果汁冰糕。

派克市場盡管“粗燕麥粉不完全是一個西雅圖早餐的事,”托拜厄斯Coughlin-Bogue報告那個陌生人這個城市現在已經“非常棒,非常集中,南部地方粗燕麥粉”Cycene,“溫暖,並邀請”的粗燕麥粉是“構造完美。”He recommends the Kentucky Hot Brown bowl, a play on a classic open-faced sandwich from Louisville, as well as the early bird special, served 6 to 8 a.m., "a bowl of grits with a fried egg and your choice of bacon or sausage for a mere $6. This is ridiculously good value."

巴拉德——“三明治愛好者應該欣喜”意思是三明治及其簡單,“神聖”菜單的七個三明治,寫道妮可撒西雅圖周刊。“比鹹牛肉熟食三明治而不是過度醬魯本,你隻需要品味它得到它,”她說,“尼古拉斯美味”的簽名三明治意外的薄荷和楓糖漿;韃靼牛排俱樂部是另一個“一定要試一試。”Fried potato skins are "right on," as well.


巴拉德- - - - - -森麵條吧從岩石的所有者杵Jhanjay,”是一個最好的亞洲餐館在最近幾個月,”譚Vinh說,在《西雅圖時報》。從Kai Arai開始,“蘇格蘭雞蛋沒有香腸,”和“鹹、酸和辣”餃子,然後“秩序森的四個專業湯已經深思熟慮,每個分層不同口味(豬肉排骨或煮雞蛋)和紋理(炸餛飩芯片和豆腐)。”


歡迎回到在評論,突出美食評論家的西雅圖的餐飲場所。城市的評論者最近訪問了L 'Oursin,點心,新的運氣玩具,和經驗豐富的在西雅圖。這就是他們不得不說:

的L 'Oursin warmly-lit餐廳,讓人想起法國小酒館的攤位和複古燈。 蘇茜普拉特為食


中心區- - - - - -L 'Oursin(1315 E傑斐遜St)是“最好的法國餐廳在西雅圖。”西雅圖周刊妮可撒聲明。菜單是典型的,“從西北太平洋海域的基本線索通知French-focused菜”的空間發出“恰到好處,生動的法國小酒館。”的organic wine list and "unusual but deeply satisfying cocktails" are equally as remarkable as the "intriguing, thoughtful" food menu, which emphasizes seafood and includes small plates like grilled herring filets, "a great testament to eating lower on the food chain." But it also features a half-chicken that's a "must-try" and "seasoned pitch-perfectly."

筆架山- - - - - -點心的房子(信標大街4860號S)是“美味的快照的街區,多樣化,負擔得起和居住區主要居住著幾代人的亞裔美國家庭,”寫道安吉拉裝束的陌生人。並不是所有成功——湯餃子“令人失望”,並作為一般規則評論家說點油炸食品和石油“擁抱”,但有許多贏家,包括蜂蜜胡桃木蝦”包裹在一個容易破裂的,金色的外殼,“”脂肪,肉的楔形purple-skinned茄子”,“精彩”牛肉牛肚,“大,結實的siu mai,”切魚粥,隋滘湯麵光海鮮湯,煎蝦和細香蔥蛋糕。

西西雅圖- - - - - -新幸運玩具(加州大街5905號SW)分數兩星半普羅維登斯西塞羅的最新《西雅圖時報》。她說這絕對是比成熟的中國餐館酒吧,但不是一個潛水酒吧,要麼,”飲料遠不是這麼簡單,食物很好。”的"General Oh Tso Good" fried chicken is a highlight, exhibiting a "ruggedly battered exterior that stays crunchy even laden with a sauce that is neither overly sweet nor overwhelmed with chilies." The Chinese sausage fried rice is "deliriously good," and although everything is served in takeout containers for ease of leftovers, "You aren't likely to have any salt and pepper shrimp or spare ribs to take home," compelling as they are.

筆架山- - - - - -經驗豐富的在西雅圖餐飲操作增加了一個咖啡館(5619年代馬丁·路德·金方式),你可以得到一個真正的歡迎一個外向的老板+“特別是低”的食品價格,說吉爾•迪•萊特納《西雅圖時報》。特別是,尋找溫暖的“純,cinammon-y歡樂”肉桂卷和素食者友好蔬菜湯,“一個安慰和營養與波蘿伏洛幹酪烤奶酪。”



自頂向下的泡菜和藍色cheese-tahini藍板。 亞當·h·卡拉漢


格林伍德- - - - - -Flintcreek牛有限公司可以做錯事的早期,得分另一個發光的審查,這一次的妮可撒西雅圖周刊。評論家說,rustic-chic裝飾華麗而低調,“服務”一些最好的我記得在很長一段時間,適宜和自信,“和廚師/老板埃裏克·唐納利(Rockcreek)是“敲門的公園”在廚房裏,創建“一堆的味道和口感”超出預期的削減(和“完全煮熟”)的不常見的肉類。亮點包括slow-braised野牛排骨,羊肉crepinette,烤南瓜起動器,和烤茄子,寶寶“炸藥菜。”

弗裏蒙特粉筆了另一個勝利廚師/所有者Vuong Loc(莊園)中國派,組合的披薩和餃子“比你想象的作品,”根據《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅。她發現比薩餅非常成功,有很多房子熟食店,魚醬焦糖,蛤蜊,甚至鵝肝;餃子更壯觀,雖然鍋貼是星星,因為它們充滿了辛辣的蘑菇,土豆,豆腐。她建議“光榮”菊苣、胡蘿卜、油封和橙色的沙拉,以及雞翅和烤章魚和牡蠣。評論家甚至發現血橙款讓人耳目一新。

美國國會- - - - - -左撇子也的得到了批準西雅圖周刊妮可撒,他說“誰讚賞boundary-bending可能會覺得相當在家”,雖然披薩店可能不會把任何人喜歡披薩”沒有引起人們的大驚小怪,好和油膩。”manbetx万博软件That's because owner John Sundstrom (Lark) channels his gourmet background for pies like The Contender, which "carries its weight in the flavor department" with chickpea pesto, feta, cumin, and caramelized onions. Sprinkle also praises the family-friendly vibe, the drink selection (including batched cocktails on draft and house shrubs), the desserts with some of their own unexpected toppings (duck fat atop housemade soft-serve, anyone?), and the non-pizza food menu, like a perfectly composed sugar pie pumpkin salad.

美國國會——陌生人的托拜厄斯Coughlin-Bogue熱情洋溢地談論草稿的第五個彈出晚餐,抗議總統唐納德·特朗普下跌有意就職典禮那天,美國公民自由聯盟的籌集資金。他讚揚了船員“異想天開的,知識的方法烹飪”,認為“花你的錢的飯是慶祝我們dear-no問題上所持的價值觀如何花哨或謙遜Trumpian值的一個強大的排斥。”A few standout items include elderflower-cured salmon with sheep's curd paired with a "perfectly balanced" kumquat radler; cod poached in smoked oil and served with a peat-barreled gin Gibson; and an "unexpected delight" for dessert, berbere chocolate with currant, caramelized shortbread, coconut, and pretzel milk.



格林伍德- - - - - -凱瑟琳•羅賓遜西雅圖了喜歡跳彈的互補每道菜的口味Flintcreek牛有限公司,盡管這個名字不太常見的肉類如野牛采取中心舞台。“美味,酸、甜、衝洗,重複…這是一盤沒有人不會愛,”她寫道的鹿肉餡餅,她說一盤羊肉香腸,烤小魚,醃綠色番茄塊,和鬆露卷心菜沙拉raclette融化奶酪是“最奢侈的成功的“在一係列成功的準備。[修正,1/26/17:這篇文章的早期版本認為複習錯誤的來源。)

格林伍德- - - - - -《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅也欣賞Flintcreek的靈活處理複雜的菜肴,並指出,“與一個廚師技術水平較低的板塊可能會混亂,但埃裏克·唐納利的作品並不是漫無目的的,他們也不幾口後變得乏味。”In a three-star review, Cicero praises a blue cheese and tahini dip, which "works fantastically well as a hummus-like dip for a distinctive assortment of pickled vegetables," the "stunning lamb tartare," "fragrant, yielding" wild boar braised overnight, and even dessert, a banana split piled with goodies.


美國國會- - - - - -那個陌生人托拜厄斯Coughlin-Bogue回顧一個經典馬基雅維裏長達數十年,想知道其持久力在動蕩的餐廳營業額是由於質量或懷舊。幾個令人失望的餐後,總結了“水”這個詞(雞肝醬,醬,一切),他決定懷舊之情:“我不能說我喜歡食物,但我仍然喜歡去馬基雅維裏。”In an increasingly unfamiliar city, "Institutions like Machiavelli can keep you from feeling unmoored."

弗裏蒙特——西雅圖周刊,妮可撒拖船在中國派不同的線程,發現pizza-and-dumplings餐廳”管理融合一些最好的亞洲風味(從四川到越南)與意大利和太平洋西北地區,有時在一個盤子裏。”In particular, she singles out the chowder pizza with "mozzarella, béchamel, a couple of small clams in the shell per slice, housemade bacon, and fabulous thick orbs of potato, all amply seasoned with rosemary" and the chili oil-baked oysters bookending "a marvelous hunk of octopus with charred lime for squeezing." She does caution that many of the dishes don't quite seem to match their menu descriptions (the soup dumplings are "scrumptious" but relatively soup-less, for example), and she warns readers off dessert ("underwhelming" push-pops, "sickeningly sweet" mocha chiffon cake).

派克市場南方風格的新人Cycene得到了一些來自《西雅圖時報》的愛”佩奇柯林斯,他說早餐和午餐的地點是一個有趣的和舒適的地方粗燕麥粉”所以奶油和甜美的你會想去南方。”In addition to the various preparation of grits (with house sausages, eggs, bacon, shrimp, and more), sandwiches like a hot ham-and-cheese hit the mark: "Crunchy house-made, bread-and-butter pickles offset thick-cut ham and gooey pimento cheese and Swiss."

美國國會如果你用便宜的飯,想要一些堅實的曲調《西雅圖時報》譚Vinh建議糖山”,流行文化美學的大雜燴,雞尾酒會,咖啡館的氛圍,哦,還有泰國街頭食品。”Vinh digs the chicken skins ("crispy but not over fried") and the signature khao mun gai, chicken rice with a side of winter-melon soup and jasmine rice "so flavorful and savory it can be eaten on its own."

巴拉德——兩星半審查,《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅大多喜歡瑪麗亞·海恩斯的有機gastropub,年輕的美國啤酒屋。普丁是一個贏家,雞一種肉餡餅:“黃油層坍塌成一個充滿活力的燉菜用的奶油,一個小煙肉和大量的嫩雞、草藥、胡蘿卜和broccolini。”Cicero says, "Seafood, generally, is a very good choice here," including the albacore tuna, the fish sandwich with "punchy condiments," and a shellfish chowder elevated by bacon, chives, tarragon, and "potatoes diced with notable precision." Disappointments reared their ugly heads, too, like "soggy cardboard" pizza, "chewy and a little dry" smoked pork shoulder, and "fresh doughnut holes mired in oily peanut butter 'crème'" at brunch.




貝爾維尤- - - - - -《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅獎三顆星Il水磨石胭脂的大規模新兄弟,深紅色的她說“驚人地捕獲原始餐廳的精神。”的service still needs a bit of polishing, she says, but otherwise the atmosphere feels appropriately celebratory. The menu is nearly identical to Il Terrazzo's with the notable addition of exceptional pizza as well as pasta made fresh daily, with options like "a luxurious, pale green vodka and fennel cream sauce for spaghetti di finocchio" with housemade fennel sausage. She also highly recommends the tartaro di manzo, "among the more vibrant versions of steak tartare I've encountered," and the "audaciously indulgent cream of cauliflower zuppa di cavolo."


拉文納- - - - - -妮可撒西雅圖周刊表明,Wataru的廚師Kotaro Kumita”,研究了在西雅圖的傳奇Shiro Kashiba可能已經超過了主人,這是真正的稀有和神奇的。”She recommends sitting at the counter and putting your trust in Kumita's "competent, magical hands and knowledge" during an omakase dinner. You can learn about Kumita's traditional Edo-style sushi preparation and marvel at the freshest seafood from around the world, whether it's uni that can convert a skeptic ("I finally understand why many liken it to a taste of the freshest essence of seawater") or "a black snapper that's smoked in rice straw at a low temperature to prevent burning, which yields a smoky sweetness you'd never expect to find from an aquatic creature."



格林伍德——西雅圖時報,佩奇柯林斯建議瓦爾哈拉殿堂三明治“菲德爾現金流三明治,“肉愛好者的夢想,”和蝦Po的家夥,“大量的完全煮熟,黑蝦。”的eponymous Valhalla Pork sandwich, on the other hand, is deemed solid but "not as inventive as the rest of the menu."


西西雅圖- - - - - -西雅圖周刊妮可撒走離新幸運玩具與積極的整體印象,盡管自然隨意的美籍華人的21歲以上建立廣泛的菜單的酒吧食物。她稱之為“一個偉大的選擇,當你渴望認真好雞尾酒華裔票價,老派的關節不交付的東西。”Skip the take on General Tso's chicken, whose flavor was too mild and whose chicken skin was soggy. Opt instead for winners like the Half Lucky Duck, "with a beguilingly good iteration of typically too-sweet plum sauce, instead fermented to give it an earthier tang," the salt-and-pepper spareribs "with a spot-on savoriness," and the spicy shrimp and pork-fat dumplings, whose pool of sauce will "make a great hangover lunch the next day" poured over any leftover rice.

弗裏蒙特——《西雅圖時報》,譚Vinh掌舵便宜的酒吧小吃,更負擔得起的快樂時光,是酒吧的真正的畫,而不是不均勻雞尾酒:“但這些古怪的煉金術雞尾酒有點太酸或太稀。”Stick to the tweak on a hot toddy, made with Earl Grey-infused gin, while you munch on plump, buttery seared scallops or ribbons of cured salmon on crostini.

南湖聯盟- - - - - -普羅維登斯西塞羅《西雅圖時報》給Mamnoon-siblingMbar三顆星,稱其為“一種親密,晚餐俱樂部在天空”傑森Stratton廚師的意大利北部之前,西班牙,中東影響完美地結合在了一起。”他把一個複雜的旋轉在鄉村美食,”評論家說。“well-crisped油封鴨下,微小的黑色Peregion bean和嬰兒蘿卜藏在一個強有力的鴨湯,池的醋。烤花椰菜戴著大蒜和鳳尾魚bagna尾醬與印尼蓽撥麝香的。”




(照片:巴爾港/ FB]

南湖聯盟——西雅圖周刊,Northeast-expat妮可撒發現在Maine-inspired執行缺乏巴爾港。她說空間,而無菌,“不知怎麼像是馬後炮。”Her highest food praise goes to a "pretty decent version" of New England clam chowder and a solid crab and kale Caesar salad; the one-note character of the cheeseburger tartare, on the other hand, is "quite resistible" and the soppy, overly fishy Oregon Bay shrimp roll is dissatisfying enough to have it removed from the bill.

雷德蒙- - - - - -馬克湯《西雅圖時報》讚揚了持續的大部分和負擔得起的價格大蒜粉碎第三的位置。他建議雞肉或牛肉烤肉串,五香和燒焦的味道,以及眾議院熱扁豆湯,沙拉,“略酸,有大蒜味的沙拉醬”。的only slight misstep was the baklava, good but "rather small and eaten in just a couple bites."



先鋒廣場- - - - - -妮可撒西雅圖周刊範圍從最近開酒吧主權報道,“時髦的”裝飾是迷人的和使酒吧有別於其他城市。但這就是她積極的印象。短的雞尾酒列表,隻有九份原件,讓她驚訝和失望,盡管飲料本身了。在食物方麵,有,也有失誤,撒上推薦洋蔥麵包和魔鬼蛋。

BELLTOWN- - - - - -《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅稱讚沒有錨,新從克裏斯和阿奴的利潤率Elford Belltown啤酒酒吧,給了它三顆星。有很多愛:“熱情好客,可持續發展的理念和顛覆性的幽默感正在這Belltown啤酒酒吧是一個很大的吸引力的一部分,但大多數情況下,我愚蠢的食物和飲料的方式是如此的和藹可親的。”Chef Jeffrey Vance's food is "robust yet elegant" and the staff is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to helping guests select appropriate beer pairings.

希爾曼市- - - - - -吉爾•迪•萊特納《西雅圖時報》大膽的讚美南端的嗎艾瑪的燒烤。有巨大的部分“西雅圖的一些最好的燒烤”。Expect all the classics, with standouts like succulent chicken, pulled pork, and ribs.

美國國會——盡管早期敗走麥城culturally-appropriative名稱,烏鴉能源公司和有限公司反彈,報告安吉拉裝束那個陌生人。餐廳充滿“靈魂和溫暖”和“管理達到鄰裏聚會和工藝之間的甜蜜點雞尾酒窩。”Chef Mac Jarvis's Middle East-leaning menu is fairly successful, with well-executed dishes including artichoke fritters, paprika-spiced latkes, and stuffed onions, while other dishes fell short.



市中心- - - - - -妮可撒西雅圖周刊也支付訪問天價Mbar,她覺得“目瞪口呆”視圖的新屋頂餐廳Mamnoon團隊。盡管它的空間是驚人的,有些Mbar食品”未能達到這個地方本身的魅力,,鑒於Mamnoon堅定的卓越,是難以理解的。”A chop salad was intensely overdressed and had to be sent back, and while the cauliflower hummus was "lovely," it needed more bread to eat it with.

美國國會——《西雅圖時報》,伯大尼讓克萊門特站在新甜蜜的鐵國會山的前哨。比利時Liege-style華夫餅幹,用奶油糕點麵團,是優秀的和填充“堅固的早餐或午餐。”Her favorites are the bruleed bananas option, the Swiss chocolate-dipped waffle, and the savory Brie-bacon-basil combo.



蘇渥公園- - - - - -《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅給了四顆星的兩個擅長講故事的人位居第三的書籍,受社區聚會場所,她似乎有一個偉大的經驗總與小投訴,包括“服務質量良莠不齊,可以改善”和一個主餐廳“也許太明亮。”She recommends in particular the vegetarian dan dan noodles, the Guiness-braised corned beef hash, the halibut tacos, and the excellent bagels. Cicero's indulgence in gender stereotyping throughout is a bit jarring, though, as she imagines, oh, say, a vegetarian daughter, a burger-loving son, and a Seahawks fan who turns out to be a man who probably has a vegetarian girlfriend. Nevertheless, it sounds like vegetarian men and omnivorous women will also enjoy themselves at breakfast, lunch, happy hour, or dinner at Raconteur.

弗裏蒙特——一個便宜吃專欄《西雅圖時報》,佩奇柯林斯熱情洋溢地談論海狼麵包師“實體回家,“麵包、麵包卷和糕點,從白蘭地酒加咖啡咖啡烘焙機是一流的。”的company's sourdough breads remain a highlight, but new additions that will set you salivating include lye rolls ("what a pretzel always wanted to be"), the baguette ("with a great crispness to the crust and a soft, light center"), and the sweet or savory croissants ("possessing the exact right shattering exterior").

南湖聯盟- - - - - -西雅圖周刊妮可撒給seafood-focused白天鵝酒店她批準印章,並指出老板丹Bugge(馬特的市場中,散熱器威士忌,100磅蛤)“設法創建一個緊密策劃菜單隻有正確的質樸和細化,清潔內部,有很多reddish-blonde木頭和一個簡單的藍色航海條紋貫穿,鏡子麵板。”Sprinkle says the short rib is an "excellent diversion" for non-seafood fans; otherwise she praises perfectly-cooked scallops with bonito crumbs, an "inspired, refreshing" salad with albacore tuna, the local oyster selection, and the Poutine o' the Sea, which "could become a Seattle signature dish" with its fries buried under chunky littleneck clam chowder, bacon, and scallions.

南湖聯盟——那個陌生人,托拜厄斯Coughlin-Bogue測試的最新化身軟體動物第一年,創始人,岩石,除此之外,其創新的廚師和合夥人離開業務及其菜單呈現更平易近人gastropub票價是修改,該地區的技術工人。不幸的是,Coughlin-Bogue寫道,“軟體動物是一個令人難以置信的概念是我總是支持的啤酒食物就沒有。”He says the food seems stuck in the middle of where it needs to be, not bold enough and yet not really nailing the basics. Highlights of the meal included crushed potatoes atop roasted anchovy mayo and fennel kimchi, "one of the best dishes I've had in the past year," and "revelatory" peanut-butter ice cream. Disappointments were far more numerous, ranging from twice-fried wings with black-garlic miso glaze to clams in a sour beer broth, from fish and chips to choucroute stew, and even the hit-or-miss beers.

丹尼三角形- - - - - -西雅圖了凱瑟琳•羅賓遜認為,庫爾特·比徹·Dammeier大American-wagyu牛排餐廳屠夫的表滿足而不是啟發:“在一個城市,現在有牛排房屋變形與越南牛肉(7),法國(輕舟)和韓國(Girin,焦耳)dialects-perhaps冥頑不靈的坦誠的把戲不再陰謀。”She says she'd like to see more of the winning inspiration behind "steak tartare so bright with pickles, sprouts, and tarragon—and an egg yolk for richness—the plate delivered a perfumey reimagination of the prototype." Instead, at the moment, the restaurant has a "throwbacky vibe," with lush meats and "solid renditions of generic conceptions" like a pork chop over smoky grits with peaches, beef-fat brioche, and "fine cinnamon-chili doughnuts to dredge through dulce de leche." Nevertheless, Robinson recognizes that plenty of diners will be quite satisfied with sheer satisfaction.



塔的選擇Nirmal在先鋒廣場邊的烤餅。 “Facebook的/

“午餐塔利。(照片:“是/ FB]

先鋒廣場——3星的回顧“的,《西雅圖時報》普羅維登斯西塞羅讚揚印度餐館的迷人的氛圍;”前台的熱情好客sorceror-in-chief”(合夥人)奧利弗Bangera;Nirmal蒙泰羅和複雜,素食烹飪廚師的地址。他的“咖喱,酸辣醬和醬汁勾引微妙”,像“豪華菠菜奶油沙司窒息雞胸肉塞滿了印度奶酪,檸檬草和更多的菠菜。”Other highlights include deep-fried vegetable pakoras, a tandoori rack of lamb, and the lunch menu's roomali roti, "an enormous wrap that two eaters could happily share." Cicero also reveals that the owners are hoping to open an Indian pub in South Lake Union by next summer.

南湖聯盟- - - - - -西雅圖周刊的妮可撒建議廚師的計數器純潔的價格,並說“在陡峭的老板和廚師傑克亨德森的斑點,但食物是值得的。”She calls the sake-marinated cod is the best piece of fish she's eaten all year. She also singles out as extraordinary the lievito e pepe, a dish that mesmerized Providence Cicero last week: "Along with the bite of the black pepper, the sauce becomes both intensely lush and slightly bitter in the very best way. This is a dish that's going to get a lot of press, and people will either love it or hate it. Despite its simple ingredients, it has the richness and exoticism of, say, foie gras or uni, and I couldn't get enough of it."


歡迎回到在評論,突出美食評論家的西雅圖的餐飲場所。這座城市的批評者最近訪問了純潔的、Phorale Ooink拉麵,Tarsan我簡,壽司Chinoise,錫那羅亞說教。這就是他們不得不說:

純潔的 蘇茜普拉特為食


南湖聯盟授予三四個恒星的喬希·亨德森的新的木質的激情項目時,純潔的,《西雅圖時報》的普羅維登斯西塞羅亨德森說,和他的團隊使用爐烹飪技巧和創新,“大部分的菜在菜單上工作,她說,沒有一個是無聊的。特別表揚,西塞羅單打出迷人“意大利“lievito e佩佩,”一個巧妙的轉折cacio e佩佩,”一個壯觀的沙拉組成的苦、胡椒混合剃燉蔬菜鑲嵌著醃向日葵莖,”和“寵物鮭魚,典型的西北準備,[這]從未做得更好。”

十分- - - - - -普羅維登斯西塞羅手更溫和的二星級的審查壽司Chinoise,“壽司是一種可靠的路要走,”有一個很好的price-to-portion比和極其新鮮的魚,即使大米比它應該更具粘性。評論家感歎說,“許多的日本,中國,泰國和韓國菜在菜單上似乎馴服郊區美國口味,“而沙拉和越南特產是她最喜歡的菜肴,包括一個令人興奮的米飯麵條沙拉以及“美麗的[poke-topped]石鍋拌飯(所有者Thoa)阮勝利在擊敗鮑比剝。”

南方公園——《西雅圖時報》“便宜吃列,譚Vinh說,亞洲在便利store-counter菜單Phorale點擊量超過了,“值得去南方公園。”She digs the banh mi riffs, including the Philly Cheesesteak-inspired Gringo, but balks at the bland seaweed-based broth of the pho-inspired soup.


(照片:Ooink拉麵/ FB]


FRELARD- - - - - -西雅圖周刊妮可撒堆表揚Tarsan我簡,稱其風格的菜超驗,暗示其品嚐菜單可能是這座城市最先進的就餐體驗。它不全是完美的;灑丁氏稀疏房間的“低迷環境”和“尷尬”的服務。但就“安靜的複雜性”廚師的選擇7道菜餐,她挖貽貝和祖傳番茄在不同材質和說她最喜歡的菜是“一個簡單的野生銀大馬哈魚,這裏house-smoked 18分鍾交付的紋理幾乎sashimi-like和塗上辣釉”。

巴拉德- - - - - -妮可撒也喜歡墨西哥牛排餐廳錫那羅亞說教巴拉德的擴張,其盤肉菜烤仙人掌和溫暖,housemade玉米餅,和一係列複雜,適意的薩爾薩舞。她建議嚐試的一些獨特的開胃菜,也像巨大的爸爸所在點烤土豆和“簡單而令人滿意的豆湯,”菜豆馬諾林。



