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詹姆斯Beard-nominated女族長的波特蘭的越南餐館湯麵哈六世和玫瑰六世去世。公頃(Christina) Luu在家5月29日去世,享年77manbetx万博软件歲的癌症。現在災區的兒子彼得·Vuong哈六世,宣布了這一消息社交媒體。她被她的丈夫威廉Vuong幸存下來,兒子漢,掛,肯尼,彼得,理查德,史蒂文,以及三個兄弟姐妹和20個孫輩,俄勒岡州的報道在她的訃告。



“克裏斯蒂娜Luu覺得波特蘭的母親。她的美好,溫暖的微笑;安慰湯最美妙的光美味的培養基配方;深思熟慮的成分和美味新鮮的春卷。我有一個小卡片從她與湯天寫下來我的錢包很古董在這一點上,一直不斷提醒和愛的肘部。她是極大地錯過了。什麼一個了不起的禮物她給了我們所有人。”- - -克裏斯汀·默裏,莫裏斯

”媽媽克裏斯蒂娜是我的麵湯。她充滿活力的能量是會傳染的,而且匹配牆上上升六世。我們總是砍起來關於食物和家庭,她喜歡談論她的家人。廚師克裏斯蒂娜周圍一切感到很熟悉,她的湯,存在了太多的安慰和愛在我的生命中。”- - -克裏斯汀盾,攝影師

”克裏斯蒂娜並創建了一個非常特殊的第三空間。“哈六世一直是我最喜歡的食物的波特蘭,同時保持這樣一個有機家族的感覺。我很感激去體驗她和她的家人。我們會想念她的。”- - -瑪麗亞Pisha-Duffly *,配料

克裏斯蒂娜不僅僅是一個偉大的廚師,歡迎媽媽圖和盛情的款待,她是我的朋友…和a friend to most of the people who came to Ha VL (and later Rose VL), where I spent hundreds of early mornings over a bowl of bun moc and a glass of caphe sua da. You couldn’t ask for a warmer, more empathetic person....but as a cook, she was a brilliant, sharp tongued and disciplined perfectionist, refusing to compromise on her product, her recipes, the volume of food she would make in a day and the size of her menu. From a tiny kitchen at Ha VL, with only a residential range, I watched her expand the consciousness of the Portland culinary scene and later the whole country’s, as chefs and food world luminaries descended on the little eight table space. Ha VL was, and still is in my opinion, the best restaurant in Portland and one of my favorite in the whole world, thanks to Christina’s love and incredible hard work. Her legacy at Ha VL is carried on by her son Peter who inherited her best traits and her skill as a cook. My heart goes out to him, her husband William, all the siblings and grandchildren... and the family she made out of all of us in Portland. I’ll miss the twinkle in her eye, the strong coffee, the amazing food but most of all, her friendship. Long may you run, Ha Luu.” —安迪·雷克博克博克

“我有很美好的回憶回到我的日子在佩利,當廚師會聚集在我們的休息日去哈六世。你必須早,因為他們會很快賣光,證明多美味的湯。味道和執行總是一絲不苟。我記得我最喜歡的事情之一是讓一個湯,然後得到一個豬肉banh mi的路!”- - -帕特裏克·麥基爵士

* Pisha-Duffly已GoFundMe Vuong家庭幫助支付喪葬費和幫助抵消成本的哀悼時關閉他們的餐廳。
