媽媽聖靈魂小屋- - - - - -俄勒岡州的評論家最近本·沃特豪斯吃午飯在聖約翰斯的媽媽聖靈魂小屋,他稱之為“的地方,讓洛杉磯美食作家口水和社區保護主義者失去睡眠。”The look of the "Vietnamese-Japanese-Southern-Mexican fusion joint...is calculated, down to the plywood banquettes and the porch lights that dot the walls," and he writes that the fried chicken and "the classic soul on the stereo and good beer on tap [...] might be enough to keep you around."
廣電牡蠣酒吧- - - - - -工作人員在威拉米特河周最近進行了一個牡蠣由評論家馬修·Korfhage停止了近十幾個,看誰做了最好的。整體的最喜歡的是特倫特皮爾斯的廣電牡蠣酒吧。“每一個牡蠣,沒有失敗,是一個柔軟的藝術品,剝殼,grit-free。”The crawl also visited three oyster-serving joints—Jake's Famous Crawfish, RingSide Fish House, and Bar Avignon—that apparently weren't worth writing about在所有。
泰勒RAILWORKS——“有時美食就像信任下降:你看廚師的成分,隻需要祈禱有你的背部,“寫波特蘭汞評論家安德烈Damewood的埃裏克·Kley的泰勒Railworks。盡管他的菜單是“非sequiturs-greens散落著烹飪、高粱、蜂蜜、幹蒙特雷傑克奶酪,和蜂花粉(! ?),”她閉上眼睛,握著她的呼吸,等待廚房打破她的下降。亮點包括“鮭魚戳鱷梨”、“Indian-infused炸雞”,和“幾乎一致完美”“生的和熟的魚準備。”Disappointments were the "bone marrow banh mi plate" and the "bone-in pork chop," which had a "cloying" "oversweet brine." Pro-tip: "Start at the bar, which you'll have to do anyway during peak hours, since the restaurant is already quoting hour-plus waits on weekends."