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富蘭克林/默弗裏斯伯勒/士麥那Bonchon, the popular family-friendly South Korean fried chicken chain, is headed to the Nashville burbs in 2022. In the brand’s first foray into Tennesse, Franklin, Murfreesboro, and Smyrna will all score locations of the popular chain — which translates to “my hometown” in Korean. Expect crispy, crunchy twice-fried Korean fried chicken alongside bulgogi, Korean tacos, and japchae — a popular glass noodle dish with vegetables, sliced marinated ribeye, soy garlic sauce, and sesame oil. Bonchon was founded by Jinduk Seo in Busan, South Korea in 2002 and opened its first location in the United States in 2006. Today there are 385-plus locations worldwide. Bonchon recently announced it is ramping up its growth initiative in key cities across the United States, including the Midwest, Northeast, and Southern markets. Bonchon has signed a franchise agreement to open six locations throughout the Greater Nashville market in neighborhoods throughout Montgomery, Davidson, Sumner, Williamson, and Rutherford counties. Neng “Alan” Lan and Xuefang Chen are developing the Korean fried chicken restaurants in the area, with the first location set to open in 2022.

北納什維爾Bag Lady's Chip&Fry Co.是一輛以法國炸煎炸式食品卡車的方式,今年春天在北納什維爾的布坎南街1402號開設了一個永久地點。Bag Lady由兄弟和納什維爾當地人詹姆斯·利特爾頓(James Littleton)和布蘭登·利特爾頓(Brandon Littleton)創立。兄弟倆說,業務將在食品卡車和餐飲方麵正常繼續,他們計劃將來開放更多地點。

Bag Lady's Co./facebook

Donelson:東納什維爾快速休閑希臘的Greeko和受歡迎的Donelson Destination Darfors的所有者Darsino家族正在在Donelson社區推出新的開發項目,該開發項目將提供兩家新餐廳。首先將是與肉手帕特·馬丁(Pat Martin格林諾和肖蒂,第二家是一家意大利餐廳,薩倫托意大利。據說另外一位“主要”餐廳租戶正在最終確定其租賃。

日耳曼敦:帶我去啤酒廠(Tmottb),這是一家新的精釀啤酒吧,計劃在布魯克林碗旁邊的第一視野公園(First Horizo​​n Park)沿著建築物的樓下空間,在第三大街915號北部的第三和家中以下。據說菜單專注於精釀啤酒和披薩。

五分巴塔科, the popular bachelorette destination for all things tacos, guacamole, and margaritas, is opening its second Nashville outpost next to Edley’s BBQ in East Nashville, in a to-be-named building replacing the Five Points former home of Family Dollar at 1000 Woodland Street.

市中心Boqueria這是一家起源於紐約Flatiron區的西班牙西班牙小吃餐廳,預計將於2月在納什維爾開設第8個地點。西班牙的堅定者於2006年首次開業,已穩步發展到紐約,哥倫比亞特區和芝加哥的七個地點。納什維爾·博克裏亞(Nashville Boqueria)將位於百老彙地方5005 +百老彙綜合大樓中,並將提供相同的巴塞羅那風格小吃菜單,例如帕塔斯·布拉瓦斯(Patatas Bravas),西班牙海鮮飯和西班牙煎蛋餅。


