忘記你認為你知道啤酒酒吧,開始的評論家法文報紙,在他讚不絕口的啤酒店Harricana今天。”在進入者這裏,你們可以在一個新式維度”。Put Jean-Philippe Tastet firmly in the camp of the new, and popular, Park Ex–Little Italy–Mile-Ex adjacent craft brewery and restaurant. From architect Alain Carle's plan to the solicitous service, Harricana is a brewpub cut from a different cloth.
評論Harricana的啤酒是有限的,不過,公平地說,Tastet調用列表“eblouissante”和受益了優秀的蘋果股票。評論家的關注食物,清楚。與百裏香,蜂蜜烤胡蘿卜和甜菜蔬菜增強食欲的開始。然後,在更多實質性的票價在安康魚漢堡和一個怪物肋眼牛排。“La viande是tendre像一個晚會d 'ete Abitibi-Temiscamingue, servie藍色直線電話,要求。聯合國巨大的平台de薯條maison arriva, m 'acheva。”A slice of delicious Queen Elizabeth cake for dessert and Tastet can take in no more. Verdict: a big thumbs up for Harricana. "Allez-y un soir de grande faim," counsels the critic. "Tout est préparé avec soin." Add Lesley Chesterman's recent三星審查和Harricana好運了。