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CityCentre Sal y Pimienta現在認證的開放

團隊在y Pimienta薩爾
團隊在y Pimienta薩爾

當地的餐館詹弗蘭科o南美的新餐館薩爾y Pimienta最近慶祝其公開亮相。Uruguay-born o之前的工作Cordua餐飲集團,幫助餐廳集團發起美洲林地位置。現在,前合夥人探戈和馬爾貝克廣場地區已經決定,十年後,是時候開放自己的建立:南美休閑概念的名字字麵上的意思是“鹽和胡椒。”"When the meat is this good, all you need is salt and pepper. And of course, a great chimichurri. We will be serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day," Percovich said. "Our foods will be flavored with South American spices, cooked on our wood-burning grill in the open kitchen."

image005.jpg“我們的菜單將功能最好的有機魚、肉類和生產來自世界各地,所有搭配前一百名南美葡萄酒。”The South American restaurant is now open Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.; Thursday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m.; Sunday from 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. Social hour will be weekdays from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
·薩爾y Pimienta(官方網站)
·所有其他開報告(-EHOU -)


薩爾y Pimienta廚房

818年105年城鄉大街Ste,休斯頓,德克薩斯州77024 (713)907 - 0412 訪問的網站

薩爾y Pimienta

818年城市與鄉村大道,集# 105,休斯頓,德克薩斯州,77024