克雷格說,他總是想要一個第三的位置,而且他已經在這個領域尋找一段時間。人字拖和三通氛圍Kemah完全適合輪轂罩和他們,他告訴食客。“我想要的水;這麼悠閑的和不同的比在休斯敦,”克雷格說。“這將是簡單,廉價的地方。”While the kitchen at the Kemah location is small, similar to the 19th Street Hubcap, he wants to get orders out faster at his new location. In order to expedite service at the Kemah Hubcap, he's going to set up a second window that only sells craft beer. Craig explained that he plans on having an outdoor space there so that guests will want to stop in for a beer. "We have a big deck, and we want to do daily beer specials; we want to make it more of a place to relax."As for the food, the menu will remain the same, simply offering the occasional off-menu specials, like it does at the Houston Hubcaps. Just because they're closer to the coast doesn't meant they'll be doing any fish burgers or seafood. "We're all about the beef, so we won't do the fried shrimp and fish; we'll leave that to the experts. I can do it, but it's not what we're about," Craig explained.
盡管這個新的事業,克雷格仍穩步推進計劃CK牛排餐廳基倫和餐館老板羅尼參與,所以他將立即忙碌甚至Kemah前哨後啟動並運行。當被問及他將主要駐紮的地方,克雷格解釋說,他想在離開之前確保一切進行得很順利,專注於另一個項目。“當kemah打開我每天大約一個月每周90個小時,早上7點到晚上11點,以確保每個人的訓練。當我覺得我可以信任別人,我可能會跳。”He will also follow the formula that has made his current locations a success. "My mom and dad are on board and they help me out. It's good to have family involved; you can always trust them," he said. So for the new spot he'll have another family member join the team to ensure a reliable staff. "I'm bringing on brother-in-law. I believe in family, so my brother-in-law is going to be trained to be a Ricky Jr.," Craig jokes.
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