- - - - - -瑟瑞娜瑪麗亞·丹尼爾斯需要一個美食的假期在大路是e咖啡:伯明翰餐館”帶你去歐洲那些親密的小酒館和,不同於典型的咖啡店在美國,他們不吝嗇的細節服務,氛圍,,更重要的是,食物,”她寫道。“去片狀羊角麵包、吐司,選擇果醬,歐洲的奶油芝士,能多益,或鬆露蜂蜜。”Daniels is particularly impressed with the pizzas, which "rival any pizzeria found in Italy" as well as the carbonara served "al dente, with the sauce subtle and balanced well with the bacon." [Metro Times]
- - - - - -克裏斯多夫•庫克參觀皇家橡樹餐前小吃餐廳拉杜爾塞:餐館”需要餐前小吃到新的高度在一個完全古怪的氣氛,”庫克寫道。拉杜爾塞功能“傳統小吃,也不該進的例子,讓廚房找點樂子讓原始的組合。”The critic also makes note of "such delights as roasts of marinated shoulder of boar and the unique flavors of acorn-fed pork." [Hour Detroit]
- - - - - -莫利亞伯拉罕回顧50歲的圖標熟食階段:西布盧姆菲爾德熟食店”是一個提醒是多麼滿足一個幾乎無法抵抗的方法都可以,”評論家寫道。“三明治和漢堡的列表太長我停止計數為70。”Abraham recommends "the huge corned beef or pastrami sandwiches — the Dinty Moore that includes the team of corned beef and Russian dressing is a personal favorite." She awards Stage Deli four stars. [Detroit News]