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Watch José Andrés Do a Gazpacho Dance on Michelle Obama’s New Puppet Show

The famous Spanish chef appears on Netflix’sWaffles + Mochifor a lesson in fruit and vegetable soup

José Andrés cooks shows Waffles now to make gazpacho on Netflix’s Waffles + Mochi
José Andrés cooks shows Waffles now to make gazpacho on Netflix’sWaffles + Mochi
Waffles + Mochi

We’ve become accustomed to seeing José Andrés, the famous Spanish chef and all-around humanitarian superhero who claims D.C. as his home base,posting videosfrom emergency zones all over the world throughhis workwith World Central Kitchen. Often, Andrés is accompanied bysome local chefswho have joined the mission to make relief meals around whatever climate or political disaster is rocking the world. This week, though, to promote atrippy new food show for kids米歇爾的Netflix的處理and Barack Obama, Andrés is hanging out with a pair of puppets playing anthropomorphic frozen foods.

Waffles + Mochi,which stars Michelle Obama in addition to its titular characters, premiered on the streaming platform Tuesday, March 16. In his capacity as a guest star, Andrésshared a short clip他顯示了half-waffle, half-yeti和the ball of glutinous rice how to make gazpacho in a blender. Over the course of 64 seconds, we see Andrés plop all the ingredients into a blender, and do a little spinning and dancing himself while it whirs. “Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” Andrés says. “It’s a big party. It’s a gazpacho party!”

Seizing the natural marketing opportunity, Andrés is also releasing a$30 gazpacho kitfrom his veggie-centric fast-casual place, Beefsteak, which hasconsolidatedits D.C. operation into one location near George Washington University. The package, which comes months ahead of peak tomato season, includes plum tomatoes, green bell pepper, cucumber, garlic, Gran Reserva sherry vinegar, and Arbequina extra virgin olive oil. All in all, it’s supposed to be enough fresh soup to feed six to eight people.

As forWaffles + Mochi,VultureTV critic Jen Chaney finds the “deliberately inclusive” new showcommendable, if a little too busy. Chaney would like to see the program double down on its best segments, writing “I could watch a whole half-hour of Andrés making gazpacho with two puppets.” In aTimestory, Judy Berman writes “it’s not an exaggeration to callWafflestheSesame Streetof food TV, orSalt, Fat, Acid, Heat Jr.”— Samin Nosrat also shows up on screen. ANew Yorkerheadlinedescribes the show as a piece of “pure joy.”


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