詹姆斯島的居民非常的消息時引發新工藝啤酒酒吧/亞洲和拉丁美洲美食餐廳將在他們中間。但是打開後,沒有一大堆的嗡嗡聲大肚子廚房+開發的房子。本周,評論家Eric Doksa繼續一個考察旅行和找到一個好的啤酒和食物選擇“潛力。”Most of the menu items he samples are overcooked or contain too much salt or sauce. Doksa holds out hope, however, that the kitchen can correct these mistakes in time. The plates look pretty, at least.
查爾斯頓的場景評論家Deidre Schipani檢查在與電話平台餐館公園的咖啡館。one-restaurant-fits-all Schipani描繪的地方,顧客是否需要安慰的,簡單的零食,或隻是一個咖啡。她巧妙地解釋道:
評論家多次稱讚廚師約翰·阿馬托的技能和“well-refined分層風味和質地的感覺。”She is equally impressed that Amato can create so much from such a small kitchen.