奧斯丁最古老的啤酒酒吧之一,馬蹄休息室這個周末將慶祝兩個裏程碑:五十年南拉馬爾,他們最後。酒吧的保密新位置終於被揭開:153 e .河畔,奧斯汀在365年首先報道的東西並證實了馬蹄所有者Tennia棕色。60年代時代辦公室將被轉換為新鞋,和布朗說建築物的形狀已經強烈提醒她最初的空間。
布朗告訴食客,拉馬爾五十年後,她和她的丈夫後,選擇承擔幾個合作夥伴考慮了不計其數的夥伴關係甚至直接收購。除了新位置,最大的變化在審理中是一個賣酒執照,盡管布朗說馬蹄休息室不會混合雞尾酒。“這是一個德州潛水酒吧:威士忌,波旁威士忌,和龍舌蘭酒。”There will also be greatly expanded parking, a live music stage, and potentially even a balcony to take advantage of the downtown views.
自宣布他們在12月下旬移動布朗說,生意一直興隆和笑話,“我們應該關閉早。”Longtime musician regulars have been popping up to play impromptu shows, and this weekend's three day party will feature "surprises." The new Horseshoe Lounge is slated to reopen sometime this summer, though there's a great deal of renovation to be done in the former office space. Brown intends to move as much of the old space into the new as possible and rehire her current staff.