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新的, 1評論

(圖片:Bethlyn桑頓/ EATX]


當我搬到新奧爾良我20歲的時候,和學到了很多關於飲食文化,人民,曆史。我一直一個人渴望知識。很高興搬到一個城市,一樣的曆史和文化。這是一個不同的曆史,但有這麼多的學習。來這裏學習我們所吃的菜,和做飯我以前從未處理的事情。你玩摩爾或仙人掌等或者智利piquin和你學習。這是一個很多的樂趣。這裏的食物是偉大的,有一種感覺,在這個城市,人們真正想要的更多。我看到,當我搬到這裏。很明顯,約翰[這個]——這就是為什麼他把一個餐廳。 And it's really a city on the rise culinarily. They've always had very good food here, and there is a really good terroir steeped here, there are years of history in the food, just like New Orleans. But it's totally different. I think San Antonio wants to be on that national scene and get recognition, they don't want to play little brother to Austin.




完全正確!我和我的妻子去休斯頓或奧斯汀和我們的朋友說:“你去休斯敦開車隻是為了吃?”Yeah, we did. [Laughs] We have good malls here, too. I don't need to go for that.

治愈% 202. jpg約翰這個提到,當你們兩個開始了盧克,他印象深刻多好這裏的生產是在聖安東尼奧。



我帶著兩個餐廳的方法是相似的。我不是想告訴人們什麼。從來沒有展示人們應該如何做。我把全心全意為每一個板和嚐試做事情有點不同。今天的顧客非常聰明。當我第一次開始在商業,它是:“讓我們看看有多少成分我們可以從葡萄牙和美國西海岸。”Now, your diners are so smart, but the focus is local. They understand what is in their area. There were 1,500 people here today at the Farmer's Market. They know what they are eating. They come into the restaurant and they see my Smoked Romanesco Salad and say: "Damn it! That's where they all went!" And they tell me to stop buying up all their favorite stuff! But the most important thing was to not to be some sort of boundary-pushing hotshot. I want my diners to continue to come back to enjoy the food, to understand the food, to know the food and for me that's the single most important lesson.



治愈% 203. jpeg的名字,我開始與傑特巴特勒,誰擁有達工作室在奧斯汀。他是一個有才華的品牌經理曾與拉裏·麥奎爾和很多偉大的餐館。他跟我來了,花了一天時間,所以我們可以聊天,做對了。他詢問了我的童年和我的父母,我爸爸的名字是領先競爭者之一。我開始與他如何在2010年當我搬到這兒我生病與淋巴瘤和痛苦,和一年的化療。我們也談到了我的媽媽,他是一名內科醫生,但真正給回我們長大的社區。所以他想出這個主意的治愈。它反映了我和菜單和我們的價值觀。這是一天!我們開車在城市吃,當我和我妻子聽到了:“哦,我的上帝,我們不怎麼想呢?” It works really well. There's also a charitable component to the menu. So part of each charcuterie plate goes to charity. I always tell people that had I gotten sick when I was 20 instead of 35, the medicines and chemotherapies that I got wouldn't have even been available. But thanks to organizations like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, who have raised billions of dollars every year for research, they were. They were our charity of choice for this first quarter, and we're going to change it every quarter. Just to show people that we are here to stay. We do want to be part of this community and give back.


這是個很好的問題,因為我一直告訴人們:當我第一次來到這裏時,聖安東尼奧,我不能相信其他廚師的支持。男人喜歡傑夫·巴爾弗和布魯斯·奧登和安德魯·韋斯曼伸出。“你需要什麼嗎?歡迎來到這座城市。”I developed these relationships, so I knew that coming into a place like this with guys like Tim and Johnny [Hernandez] would be a good thing. Johnny was the one that got the ball rolling for me. We became friends early on, when I got heavily involved in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I invited Johnny to come to a charity event, and he said: "I love the fact that you've been here a year and you're already involved in the city". And Johnny Hernandez is an ambassador to the city. He wanted me to talk to the guys at Pearl, and I couldn't be in a better place. We're surrounded by great people and great chefs who are only going to lift me up. You know, it's not a competition around here. We all do what we do. Barbecue is over there, seafood is over there. You know? A rising tide raises all boats, right? So if they do well, we do well. The last thing I want is a restaurant here on campus that's failing. If diners have a bad experience they're going to associate that with the Pearl. So we all want everyone to do really well and we all help each other, and it's such a great relationship.




完全正確。我們需要快速的拿出飲料,因為這是一個餐廳,在餐廳裏,人們不想等飲料。他們會在酒吧等。當你走進藍色的盒子,你會得到一些奧拉夫的手工製作的雞尾酒,你知道這是一分鍾,沒關係。你準備。在餐廳,人們,他們在會議上,他們與家人坐在一起,他們約會,他們想要在他們麵前迅速,消除緊張。我們試圖設計雞尾酒我們可以把我們的哲學,被當地和手工製作的,但是,讓我們把它們弄出來!我們最大的賣方是治愈的雞尾酒,這是我的妻子了。邁耶檸檬,百裏香,ginger-infused月光與自家製作柑橘苦味劑混合然後超過了香檳。人們可以害怕的月光,但後來他們試一試,其中有兩個或三個,因為它隻是光滑和有檸檬。 The champagne adds effervescence. It's really refreshing.


306珍珠百彙# 101聖安東尼奧TX 78215