菜單 更多的箭 是的





在廣闊的蝦食譜中,知道要嚐試哪種產品可能是一個挑戰。可以準備一百萬種方法。海鮮雜燴食譜與不一致一樣多。當您想要一個與同一老一人有些不同的蝦食譜時,您會做什麼?在這裏,五位食客編輯為您完成了這項工作,追蹤了我們能找到的最好的蝦食譜 - 從舊但仍然不錯的備用到新偉人。


紐約市Yewande Komolafe,NYT烹飪

如果您在鏡子裏說三遍甜菜,我很可能會出現。油炸麵團被糖果糖覆蓋嗎?登錄我。但是,隻有當我製作Yewande Komolafe的玉米和蝦甜點時,我才意識到我隻追求多少我缺少了多少甜的油炸麵團:甜菜也應該得到鹹味的對應物。與羅德島風格的蛤lam油條相鄰,它們是小吃或全麵晚餐的完美之處。與通常情況下,我在油炸零件上遇到了一些麻煩,但是鍋上的飛濺屏幕可以使您免於燃燒。最後,果汁值得擠壓,尤其是在任何一種蘸醬時。不過,我推薦一些辣的東西 - 它會抵消甜菜的鹹味,甜味和鹽水的味道。-埃納·埃文斯(Dayna Evans)


帕蒂·吉尼奇(Pati Jinich)

帕蒂·吉尼奇(Pati Jinich)是我最喜歡的墨西哥菜的來源,我發現這些測試食譜時的炸玉米餅blurb關於她的最新食譜,墨西哥桌子的寶藏。它們很容易在工作日的一個晚上解決,同時提供了Chipotle,Poblano,Tomato和Worcestershire Sauce等食材的真正深度。我喜歡泛濫的步驟使它們幾乎像玉米餅一樣,我會以任何借口將瓦哈坎奶酪添加到我的購物清單中。- 城市主管Missy Frederick


薩明·諾斯拉特(Samin Nosrat),紐約時代烹飪

我第一次有Cajun Shrimp煮沸時,那是在紐約唐人街的一家餐廳,當時我18歲那年從波士頓開出一輛公共汽車。我絕對被迷住了。, I have a distinct appreciation for grabbing seafood with my hands and stuffing it in my face, especially when it’s covered in garlic and paprika. It has been hard to recreate the charm of that first shrimp boil, but I’ve found this紐約時報食譜一直是起點。Kelly, a dear friend of mine with roots in Louisiana and Mississippi, has helped me fine-tune and save a number of Cajun-Creole recipes I’ve bungled (gumbo, in particular), but I have a specific memory of her salvaging a birthday shrimp boil I almost destroyed. She doesn’t play around with the salt — ”the water should taste unbearably salty,” in her words — and there must be a few shakers of Tony Chachere’s nearby. Pro tip: Boil it outside, if you can help it, or open every single window in your house with the hood fan on full blast. It should be spicy enough that the air will make you wheeze. —Brooke Jackson-Glidden,Eater Portland編輯


Farideh Sadeghin

I wouldn’t classify most chowders as “delicate,” but most chowders I’ve eaten don’t have the nuanced layers of flavor this seafood chowder has, which you build by making your own clam broth, cooking carrots and onions and fennel in it, and then adding white wine. This recipe is a great catch-all for whatever seafood looks good at the store, but I never skip the shrimp — cooking them for just a few minutes in that aromatics-infused cream ensures bouncy, slightly sweet shrimp that are my favorite bites in what is always a big bowl of perfect things. —Bettina Makalintal,高級記者


J. Kenji Lopez-Alt,鍋:食譜和技術

很少有一本食譜激發我的巨大生活方式,但是自從獲得J. Kenji Lopez-Alt的食譜以來的幾個月中炒鍋我和我的伴侶致力於通過這本書做飯。我們甚至還沒有把它變成炒飯或麵條,但是功夫蝦蝦立即受到打擊。Kung pao shrimp is not even my normal order at most Chinese American restaurants, but Lopez-Alt’s technique of marinating shrimp in baking soda and salt to keep it plump and juicy is a revelation, and its seasoning of Sichuan peppercorns, honey, and Shaoxing wine creates a tingling, sweet sauce that I now want to eat with everything. Like many wok dishes, it comes together almost instantly, and is inspiring me to keep a lot more frozen shrimp around so I can make this a regular part of my diet.- 高級作家Jaya Saxena


