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覓食巨星和諾瑪餐廳廚師雷納·雷哲畢善於關閉他的著名的哥本哈根,一直命名為“世界上最好的餐館很多次了。根據紐約時報,他計劃在2017年重開諾“新菜單和新的任務。”A major pillar of the new business will be an urban farm with the restaurant at its center, much like chef Dan Barber's Blue Hill at Stone Barns in New York. Redzepi notes, "It makes sense to have your own farm at a restaurant of this caliber." The new Noma will relocate to Copenhagen's "freewheeling Christiania neighborhood," to an abandoned lot where empty warehouses and plenty of graffiti decorate the landscape.


不出所料,雷哲畢的計劃是雄心勃勃的:他想要建立一個溫室的屋頂上新諾,他將“挖出潮濕的舊瀝青和卡車在新鮮的土壤,而且他希望農場的一部分“浮動”。Plus, he plans to hire a full-time farmer to lead a team.

為什麼做出這樣翻天覆地的變化呢?原始餐廳的租金並沒有增加,“業務仍然活躍。”Redzepi says that the time is right for a "dramatic evolution" of a restaurant that he has led for 12 years. He wants to continue to progress and shake things up.

除了諾瑪餐廳改造,雷哲皮還有另一個大項目。“在他職業生涯的第一次,”他是合作開第二家餐廳。(盡管他不是一個夥伴在餐廳,雷哲畢最近幫助前諾瑪糕點廚師Rosio桑切斯在哥本哈根啟動位置,看得我目瞪口呆Hija De桑切斯)。它將打開並將在哥本哈根比諾更隨意。在廚房裏廚師克裏斯蒂安·鮑曼,世衛組織目前正在在諾瑪,將執掌新餐廳。和廚師特雷弗·莫蘭將納什維爾的貓鵲座位回到諾瑪,他在那裏工作了四年,“幫助下一波”。

新諾瑪雷哲畢計劃避開品嚐的“可預測的進展”菜單的“虔誠的遵守季節性”。In the fall, the menu will focus only on dishes made from wild game and "foraged autumnal ingredients." In the winter, Noma will transform into a seafood restaurant. And in the spring and summer where "the world turns green," Redzepi says that Noma will "become fully vegetarian," with most of the produce coming from the restaurant's farm. Noma will shutter after service New Year's Eve 2016.


