崔說,概念的靈感來自於能量“滑板公園。”He'll front the operation, while Patterson will do a lot of the recipe testing and organize back-of-house operations. Patterson has already developed the burger patty, which was cut with grain to make it more affordable.乍得羅伯遜舊金山的Tartine麵包店了漢堡麵包的營養食譜,全麥,由20%的大米。當他被問到如何啟動這樣一個概念,崔說,“你怎麼開始?去他媽的男人,你隻是開始。“去看看帕特森提供樣品的照片他的新機車如漢堡瘋狂的參與者:
昨天,羅伊崔告訴ISSF:“我們想去腳趾到腳快餐連鎖店和社區提供了一個選擇。”Menu items at loco'l will not exceed a $6 price point, put it at the same level as national fast food chains. ISSF confirms that the food will be made by chefs on site at each location and that the food will be "well-sourced" and "seasonal."
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