宣稱,“我從中午就在這裏一個女人,積極聲稱她的空間在前麵的線的人沒有提前預定票Ferran Adria 7點的課。“我拍照的時鍾講堂,以防有任何問題,”她繼續說。這樣的熱情Adria激勵,他的年度科學和烹飪課總是最整個係列的朝拜。昨晚的一部分甚至吸引了名人嘉賓觀眾中,鼓手Questlove,的存在給阿德裏亞開車回家的機會他一點創意過程是不同的從一個學科到另一個——音樂和美食,例如。
elBulli 1846,第二擊遊客中心旨在保護的遺產elBulli通過各種展覽圖表餐廳的曆史,於2016年9月2日發射。(“1846”是指菜肴的數量產生了elBulli壽命。)elBulli 1846每年還將開放一個月20晚餐25人每個——盡管阿德裏亞很快就放棄了這個詞描述經驗的“晚餐”。“忘記晚餐的概念,”他昨晚說。“他們不會晚宴”,但他們將“難以置信”和“實驗”。On one point he was adamant: "elBulli is never going to open again as a restaurant." It closed because Adrià and his team thought that they could only sustain it for another three or four years in its existing form, so it made more sense to close it and transform it into something lasting.
第三個方麵是6 w食物,準備2017年的發射。這將是一個7000平方英尺的場地與組件的一個科學博物館、藝術博物館等。“你會明白菜肴是當你離開的時候,”阿德裏亞承諾,稱其為“與世界上任何東西”以及他如何預測未來的文化空間。
給elBulli未來的概述之後,阿德裏亞鴿子的既定主題演講,“解碼創意過程。”In the course of "asking [themselves] many questions" over the past few years, the elBulli team has been working to understand more about how the creative process works in order to "be able to create again." They’re finding that it’s actually quite different in each discipline. "Imagine Picasso and Tarantino," Adrià said. "Quite different, isn’t it?" While Picasso produced works of art painting alone, Tarantino (Adrià loves him) works with thousands of people to make movies, from the cast and crew to the marketing and business people behind it. The art process is very different from the film process.
解碼創意過程?“如果你是一個專業,你必須了解你的紀律。”Understanding the route that others have gone through helps you avoid copying things that have already been done so that you can forge your own path. "When we started doing this, everyone thought we were crazy," said Adrià. "The truth is that everyone thought we were crazy for the last 25 years."
雖然工作不同而對另一些人來說,阿德裏亞發現他的創造力在組織混亂,有條不紊地調查。“Creamos orden, para crear en el曹。99% orden對位magico聯合國1%,”他投射在屏幕上。“我們創建以創建混亂。99%,1%魔法。”
哈佛大學科學和烹飪係列講座繼續在下周一,10月27日,與來自哈佛大學的馬丁•布雷斯林餐飲服務“烹飪增稠劑的曆史。”The event is free and open to the public; seats are first come, first served. More details can be found on the Harvard website.